Florida Hometown Heroes

The Florida Hometown Heroes Housing Program through the Florida Housing Finance Corporation helps make home ownership more affordable for eligible front-line workers such as law enforcement officers, firefighters, educators, healthcare professionals, childcare employees, and active military or veterans.
The program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to first time, income qualified homebuyers in an eligible occupation to assist them in the purchase of a primary residence.
- Florida Hometown Heroes allows borrowers to receive up to 5% of the loan amount (capped at $25,000) in down payment and closing cost assistance
- Can be paired with additional assistance programs to maximize amount of received assistance
- Down payment and closing cost assistance is available in the form of a 0% interest, non-amortizing,
- 30-year repayable second mortgage. This second mortgage becomes due and payable in full upon sale of the property, refinancing of the first mortgage, transfer of deed or if the homeowner no longer occupies the property as their primary residence. The Florida Hometown Heroes loan is not forgivable.
- The down payment and closing cost assistance can be used to satisfy the following:
- Borrower’s down payment
- Any down payment exceeding the minimum borrower requirement
- Reasonable and customary closing costs
- Borrowers must not exceed the maximum income limit requirements for the county in which property is being purchased
- Hometown Heroes Loan Limit and Income Limit Lookup
- At least one borrower must be a first-time homebuyer and employed in an approved occupation
- VVOE indicating full time employment of 35 hours or more a week required
- Borrower Attestation Form indicating eligible occupation is required
- First-time homebuyer counseling is required to be complete by all borrowers utilizing income from an approved occupation
- Veterans and active-duty military members are exempt from all first-time homebuyer requirements unless participating in HFA Preferred Heroes program
- 911 Public Safety Communicator
- Active-Duty Military Personnel
- Acupuncturist
- Adult Protective Services’ Enforcement (DCF)
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)
- Anesthesiologist
- Anesthesiologist Assistant
- Assistant Public Defender
- Assistant State Attorney
- Assisted Living Facility (ALF) Administrator
- Athletic Trainer
- Basic X-Ray Machine Operator (Radiologic)
- Blood Gas Analyst (Laboratory)
- Career Specialist (Educator)
- Child Protective Services’ Enforcement (DCF)
- Childcare Instructor
- Childcare Operator
- Chiropractic Physician
- Chiropractic Physician’s Assistant
- Classroom Teacher
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Clinical Social Worker
- Correction Officer
- Correctional Probation Officer
- Dental Assistant
- Dental Hygienist
- Dentist
- Dietetic Technician
- Dietician
- Electrologist
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
- Federal Sworn Law Enforcement
- Firefighter
- General Radiographer (Radiologic)
- Genetic Counselor
- Hearing Aid Specialist
- Hearing Aid Specialist Trainee
- Home Health Aide
- Juvenile Detention Officer
- Juvenile Probation Officer
- Laboratory Director
- Laboratory Supervisor
- Laboratory Technologist
- Laboratory Testing Technician
- Librarian/Media Specialist (Educator)
- Marriage & Family Therapist
- Massage Therapist
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Physicist
- Mental Health Counselor
- Naturopathic Physician
- Nuclear Pharmacist
- Nurse Anesthetist
- Nurse Midwife
- Nursing Assistant (CNA)
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Nutrition Counselor
- Nutritionist
- Occupational Therapist
- Occupational Therapist Aide
- Occupational Therapist Assistant
- Optician
- Optometrist
- Orthotic Fitter
- Orthotic Fitter Assistant.
- Orthotist
- Osteopathic Physician
- Paramedic
- Pedorthist
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacy Technician
- Phlebotomist
- Physical Therapist
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- Physician
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatric Physician
- Podiatric X-Ray Assistant
- Practical Nurse (LPN)
- Prosthetist
- Prosthetist Orthotist
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist
- Radiologic Specialty Technologist
- Radiologic Technologist
- Radiology Assistant
- Registered Dietician Or Nutritionist
- Registered Nurse (RN)
- Registered Nurse Anesthetist
- Registered Respiratory Therapist
- Respiratory Care Practitioner
- Respiratory Therapist
- School Counselor
- School Psychologist
- Social Worker
- Specialty Technologist (Radiologic)
- Speech Language Audiologist
- Speech Language Audiologist Assistant
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Speech Language Pathology Assistant
- Sworn Law Enforcement Officer
- Veteran or Surviving Spouse of Veteran
- Veterinarian
- Veterinarian Assistant
- Veterinarian Technician
To find out more information give us a call 786 622-2248.
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To discuss how our team can help you in the home buying or refinancing process.